Monthly packages to give you easy access to new features for your ecommerce store.
Basic Package
Store license, hosting & support
£14 per month
Pro Package
As per the basic package, plus store upgrade & 2 hours of website maintenance annually.
£24 per month
Pro SSL Package
As per the pro package, plus an SSL certificate & unique IP address for your domain.
£29 per month
We accept payment by monthly standing order, or on an annual prepayment basis (5% discount applies).
Frequently Asked Questions
[accordion clicktoclose=true][accordion-item title=”What does the basic monthly subscription cover?”]Your monthly subscription covers your store user license, hosting and customer support.
[/accordion-item][accordion-item title=”What does the customer support comprise of?”]Support is provided by email ([email protected]) and telephone (01736 806446), so rest assured you can easily contact us should you have any questions or queries.
Support includes: Questions or problems with how to use the system, hosting support if you have a problem with your website email or hosting account.
[/accordion-item][accordion-item title=”What is the length of my contract?”]Your contract is pay-as-you-go every month. You may cancel at anytime by simply emailing us at [email protected]
Exceptions to this are applied in the case of:
– a recent upgrade to the Pro package to receive a free store upgrade rather than paying upfront
– included maintenance time being used up in advance of payment
[/accordion-item][accordion-item title=”What if I need a feature the store doesn’t have?”]We listen carefully to our customer feedback and are often adding new functionality into the store. If there is a feature you require that is not currently included let us know.
We add common feature requests into the product development pipeline, these will be added to your store during your next store upgrade (following implementation). Should you require it urgently we can quote you separately on adding the functionality.
Features which would be specific to your store rather than part of the base solution are no problem and we can quote based on your requirements.
[/accordion-item][accordion-item title=”What if I need other changes made to my website?”]No problem at all, you can of course edit all products and categories / page content within your administration area, if you need changes to your site structure or design then this would be classified as website maintenance.
Both ecommerce pro packages include 2 hours of annual website maintenance, if you need additional time then this is charged at £50 per hour on a pay as you go basis. Alternatively take advantage of the prepayment rate of £40 per hour or increase your monthly package at any time (£5 per month gives 1½ hours extra maintenance to use at any point during the year).
[/accordion-item][accordion-item title=”I’d like to freshen up my gCart website, how do I do this?”]We’d love to help you with this. A fresh new look can inject a breath of fresh air into your ecommerce store, and can be a great opportunity to look at including some of the new features included in the store since it was originally developed.
Get in touch and we’ll talk through your options!
[/accordion-item][accordion-item title=”Why do I need store upgrades / maintenance? (included in the pro packages)”]We’re always implementing new features to make the shopping experience better for your customers and your store maintenance easier for you. Our pro packages include annual upgrades so you are always in receipt of the most recent version of the store – so it is always running as quickly and effectively as possible for you and your customers.
Included maintenance time means that you can freshen up areas of the website professionally whenever you need to.